We found 10 episodes of Born In Trouble with the tag “black culture”.
June 21st, 2024 | 42 mins 2 secs
black culture, education, money, music, politics, society
Surviving Near-Death: A Life-Altering Experience | Born in Trouble
John X, host of the show 'Born in Trouble', returns after a hiatus caused by a severe medical emergency Recounting the experience of nearly dying, the clarity it brought to his life, and the importance of family. John reflects on societal issues, including racism, political division, and cultural challenges. Emphasizing the value of love, respect, and true connections over material and superficial gains. -
Just The Facts
May 23rd, 2024 | 1 hr 6 secs
black culture, education, money, music, politics, society
Black Men discuss relevant and irrelevant aspects of Life and Culture without filters! Liquid courage for the Sober Mind!
Solo Dolo
May 17th, 2024 | 58 mins 1 sec
black culture, education, money, music, politics, society
Black Men discuss relevant and irrelevant aspects of Life and Culture without filters! Liquid courage for the Sober Mind!
Unseen Things U can't Prove
April 26th, 2024 | 1 hr 21 mins
black culture, education, money, music, politics, society
Black Men discuss relevant and irrelevant aspects of Life and Culture without filters! Liquid courage for the Sober Mind!
OJ Has Left The Dating Scene
April 21st, 2024 | 58 mins 36 secs
black culture, education, money, music, politics, society
'Born in Trouble,' host John X and guests discuss a myriad of topics ranging from the dynamics of using various broadcasting platforms, to societal issues, parenting, and the recent decisions of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry regarding their children's exposure to media scrutiny and racial bias. The impact of choices in relationships, the consequences of those choices on parenting styles, societal expectations, and the dynamics between men and women in modern society.
Rewriting the Script. Cultural Complexities.
April 14th, 2024 | 1 hr 6 mins
black culture, education, money, music, politics, society
Black Men discuss relevant and irrelevant aspects of Life and Culture without filters! Liquid courage for the Sober Mind!
Election for Dictators!
April 4th, 2024 | 1 hr 8 mins
biden, black culture, crime, education, election, emt, money, murder, music, police brutality, politics, race, society, trump, violence
Missed us? Catch up on our YouTube Born in Trouble Channel! Where the last two episodes are! But this week? Guest Chocolate Yoddah joins the panel to discuss why Trump? Or why not. Diddy and the community conversations. Are they too little and too late? Is the entire game predatory? Is crime really up? Born In Trouble tells it like it should be told. True.
Sports, Barbie, and Irrelevant Poo
March 14th, 2024 | 1 hr 2 mins
black culture, education, equity, football, money, music, police brutality, politics, race, society
Black Men discuss relevant and irrelevant aspects of Life and Culture without filters! Liquid courage for the Sober Mind!
The Price of Gossip
February 29th, 2024 | 55 mins 44 secs
black culture, education, money, music, politics, society
Wendy Williams and the wear and tear of being everything and the culture of negative press. Corporate greed and why the NBA must continue to grow. The gambling industry and the disrespect of Cam Newton brings Community service in question. Born in Trouble goes easy on em?
The Colorblind Show!
February 22nd, 2024 | 1 hr 5 mins
black culture, education, money, music, politics, society
Black Men discuss relevant and irrelevant aspects of Life and Culture without filters! Liquid courage for the Sober Mind!