Episode 70

Science Questions What we Already Know!


December 21st, 2021

1 hr 3 mins 20 secs

Your Hosts

About this Episode

This Tuesday talk featuring Winston Meikkle as a return guest focuses upon COVID and what is going on with Omicron. As a Nurse who ran a Covid ward and experienced the pandemic up close and personal. To his refusal to take the shot and exit from that position. On his previous visit?

He predicted the current "wave of the vaccinated" around now that cannot be disguised or dismissed. But how did he know? Winston discusses what he sees as flaws in the logic and science of using our own natural messaging system to fight against COVID which is how these shots work. And why he feels for most people boosting your own immune system is the best course of action. Born In Trouble does not tell you whether or not. We just want you to understand that Science is Questioning what we already know!